History Alive at Abbeystowe
A Journey Through Time
Join us for an exciting weekend where history comes to life!
7 – 8 September 2024 Abbeystowe, Caboolture
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See History Come Alive at Abbeystowe!
History Alive is a great event for the whole family to experience 2 days of thrilling jousts, live music, festive dance, and intriguing displays. Immerse yourself in the histories and cultures of Roman, Viking, Medieval, Napoleonic, Colonial, Victorian and Modern Eras, and witness spectacular battle re-enactments of Crusader Knights, Napoleonic Cavalry, and combatants from WWI.
There are stunning encampments to explore and interesting workshops to attend.
Join us 7-8 September 2024 and enjoy the extraordinary sights, sounds, and aromas of times gone by at History Alive at Abbeystowe.
Years Established
What is Living History?
Living History is an attempt to re-enact life in another time. From the Dark Ages to Renaissance Italy, Colonial Australia, and beyond, our re-enactors live out their chosen era through authentic clothing, hairstyles, tentage, furniture, food, crafts, weaponry, armour, and myriad other details.
The re-enactors you see at History Alive are members of the Queensland Living History Federation (QLHF), and History Alive is the premier re-enactment event for this fantastic organisation.
If you are interested in living history or becoming a re-enactor, be sure to visit the Queensland Living History Federation website. You’ll learn all about our amazing re-enactors and how you can get involved in living history in Australia.